

The Second Workshop Beyond Vision and LANguage:
inTEgrating Real-world kNowledge

COLING Workshop

Call for Papers

Submission deadline: 11 September, 2020 [Extended Deadline]

Author notification: 07 October, 2020 [Extended Deadline]

Camera ready deadline: 16 October, 2020 [Extended Deadline]

Workshop: Sunday, 13 December, 2020 (Full Day)

All deadlines are calculated at 11:59pm UTC-12:00

Submission Instructions

We solicit two categories of papers: long and short workshop papers that will be included in the workshop proceedings as archival publications. All submissions should be in PDF format and made through the Softconf link.

Submissions will go through a double-blind review process, where each submission is reviewed by at-least two program committee members. Accepted papers will be presented by the authors in a regular workshop session either as a talk or a poster.

All submissions must be written in English and follow the COLING 2020 formatting requirements using either Word or LaTeX template files provided by COLING 2020 (

  • Long paper submission: up to 9 pages of content, plus bibliography
  • Short paper submission: up to 4 pages of content, plus bibliography.

For camera ready you get +1 page for Long and Short paper to incorporate reviwer comments.

Dual submissions

Dual submissions of papers with any another conference are allowed. Please let us know during submission and as soon as possible if you decide to withdraw a paper accepted elsewhere.

Submit your Findings of EMNLP 2020 paper

We invite authors with papers accepted in Findings of EMNLP 2020 to present their work at our workshop. We especially welcome submissions accepted to Findings of EMNLP 2020 in the tracks “Language Grounding to Vision, Robotics and Beyond”, but are also open to submissions from other tracks that are relevant for the workshop.

Papers can be sent to the organizers by email to: lantern2019 (AT) googlegroups (DOT) com

and are due October 30, 11:59PM UTC-12:00. Submissions will be lightly reviewed for fit and the paper can remain in EMNLP format.